The following are all included in the fees for the Out of School Academy: –
- Excellent Opening times for working parents, from 7-30am to 6-30pm
- Small, caring and nurturing groups for the children to have lots of new adventures and fun!
- A high quality and well-resourced indoor and outdoor environment offering unique and exciting activities for all children aged 4 plus to 12 years
- An extensive and unique indoor and outdoor adventurous activity programme run by highly qualified and experienced play leaders / outdoor instructors, sports and expressive arts specialists
- Incorporating the New Curriculum for Wales and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)to support the child’s learning at school
- Various ‘educational and fun filled adventurous outings to local areas of interest’ throughout the year
- Travel costs when taking the children out and about locally and further afield(NB an additional amount of £6 will be required if there is an entrance fee to the activity
- Forest School sessions in Hailey Park and further afield
- Coastal School sessions at Ogmore, Rest Bay and further afield
- Use of appropriate outdoor all weather clothing for activities
- Use of appropriate outdoor activity gear for all activities
- Toadhall Montessori Out of School Academy drawstring bag/backpack
- Healthy light tea and drinks for children attending the After School Academy
- Healthy breakfast, snacks, light tea and drinks for children attending the Holiday Academy
- Weekly e-format overviews, with photos, of activities the children have been engaged in
- Certificates of Achievement for every child
- A Summative Report at the end of each Holiday Academy, for each child which can be shared with the child’s school
- After School Academy End of term /Easter and Summer Holiday Academy Open Evenings for parents ,directed and delivered by the children, highlighting their amazing experiences and achievements ,whilst attending Out of School Academy
- Specialist insurance to cover all indoor and outdoor activities
- Use of our Toadie Academy 9 Seater Bus and 17 Seater Minibus(from October 2021 and September 2022) equipped with age appropriate seat belts
- 10% discount for siblings